The purpose of the PrimeDelivery campaign is to involve businesses and individuals, because hunger is not a issue that can be solved by individual efforts, we have to stand together. The businesses that we choose to partner with can be short-term and long term, and local and national. They will be some of the best in both the food industry and other industries. The following are the partners that currently support the PrimeDelivery Campaign. We are so thankful for their generosity.
How we work with partners
Why work with local partners?
Cooperating with local expertise is the best way to create long-term impact. Our business partners have the first-hand knowledge and years of experience with local customers and markets. So they are the best to reach out to our potential donors. With the trust between these local partners and potential donors, our campaign can stimulate benefits to both sides.
What does long-term or short-term partnering mean?
Long-term partners are the businesses who want to provide year-around support to the PrimeDelivery campaign. For example, one of our current long-term partners is Coca-Cola, so each PrimeDelivery special Coca that is purchased by a customer, the Coca-Cola company will donate 1% of the product price. Short-term partners join the campaign for a limited amount of time, like local restaurants, possibly during the holiday season, when our events will be held in participating restaurants.
What’s our relationship with partners?
Without the support from our partners, PrimeDelivery can go nowhere. We will organize meetings regularly with partners to share our PrimeDelivery records, and exchange ideas for future cooperations and events.
What does PrimeDelivery expect from partners?
Both PrimeDelivery and our partners share is the clear determination to end senior hunger. The partner businesses are dedicated to providing contributions to those who in need and to financially ensure our campaign can run smoothly throughout the year, in order to help more hungry seniors. We expect our partners to work closely with local communities, leaders, governments, manufactures, and suppliers to accomplish lasting change.